
Due to the increasing costs of material and postage, GAPA finds it necessary to charge a small fee for these awards.
I have designed a fee schedule that will just cover the operating costs of this considerable financial burden but will indeed maintain the very high quality of these awards and keep the cost to the Amateur low.
The following table shows the simple fee schedule without shipping and handling costs.
Note: The following prices are for both GAPA-Grid and GAPA-PX. The minimum PayPal charge of $5.50 approved on 20th November 2015 for PayPal charges will be continued.
GAPA reserves the right to adjust prices as costs change, without notice.


Price / USD

Basic certificate(s)


DX collectors sheet(s)


US collectors sheet(s) per pair.


VE, VK, IT, ZL, JA, PA, UK, AN, DL, UA, UA0  collectors sheet(s)


m/m (WET), Stamp expansion sheet collectors sheet(s)




Antarctic award - Glossy


Marine award  -Glossy


Neptune award  - Glossy


DDXCC award  -Glossy


DWAS award  -Glossy






DX BAR(s) for collectors sheet


US BARS (s) for collectors sheet


VE, VK, IT, ZL, JA, PA, UK  BARS(s) for collectors sheet


Antarctic BAR(s) for collectors sheet




Endorsement Stamps (totals)


Band Endorsement(s)


Continent Endorsement(s)


DDXCC Endorsement(s)


DWAS stickers


NEPTUNE Endorsement(s)


Marine SHIP Endorsement(s)


Completion FLAGS, WAIT, WAC & WAB


DVE, DVK, DIT, DZL, DJA, DPA, DUK endorsements




Grid Square Booklet. (copy of OnLine GridLocator tables)


Manila Envelope, 9"x12" mailer


Small Envelope


Process & Handling - US


Process & Handling - DX


Postage fee will be added

Shipping varies with distance and weight. I have shipped up to 5 sheets and a Grid Square Booklet in one mailer. I suggest anything over 5 sheets will require another mailer. ($1.50 each) Some awards have been so big that I have mailed 3 mailers to the one recipient. :)
Note: to maintain the quality of this award program we will not ship certificates or sheets folded.
OK! Here's the way we will do this....
Do exactly as you have been doing by sending me an email claiming your award(s).  I will review and approve them, then I will send you a PayPal request for funds, which will tell you the costs. This should tell you how to pay. When I receive the funds I will then process the award(s) and mail it/them off to you. Your indication that all is approved will be your award inclusion on our OLAR web page.  At this point your package will soon be in the mail. :)
Note: you do NOT need to have a PayPal account to pay this way.

Good luck chasing those Grids, Ernie WM2U