Operated by GAPA
The Grid and Prefix Awards Group
 To submit a claim: emills21@cox.net

RIP Leslie, WA4EEZ. my GAPA goto
person and very good friend. miss ya!

The Grid and Prefix Award Program aka GAPA is proud to present the most detailed and comprehensive Digital Awards Program available today. This series is offered to both Radio Amateurs, HAMS and SWL Operators.
See Ham Accolades, and Binder Images.
All your claims will appear on the OLAR (On Line Achievement Recognition Records). One enhancement makes the Mixed Mode attractive because it is like a repository for ALL modes. The award goes on OLAR and paper certificates are available for a small fee plus shipping, if requested.
Please be aware that this is not an award based on the Ground Station you are using but rather the operating prowess of the operator, and hence any call sign you used to get these confirmed QSO. There is also no start time limit, so dig deep in your log and pull out ALL your digital confirmed QSO.  
OK, to get started, please read the rules where you will find in the start section titled, Starting Out ~ GRID ~ Item #5, downloadable copies of an example excel file and also a blank where you can put your claims.
please email your claims to me at wm2u   Hope you enjoy Ernie wm2u

Welcome to the GAPA Quest
Grid Award Prefix Award .pdf Files Who's Who in GAPA
Rules Rules Select Grid Stephen J Melachrinos W3HF Consultant
Grid Locators Grid Locators Select PX Venca Nemecek OKL 007 SWL Advisor
Certificates Certificates Select Awards Alan Sorum WL7CG Promotion
OLAR OLAR   Lee Humphrey G6BFP UK/EU Rep.
click image to see
Grid Basic
Expansion Sheet.
click for PX Basic.
Expansion sheets are
the same so click on
the Grid Basic image
on the left.

Hi, Just for fun. I have created a GAPA Icon for your desk top.
If you fire up GAPA and drag that little orange Icon in the left of the address bar to your desktop  ...
.... Tah - Dah. :-)

      Click Image
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